All Offers Are For New Patients Only

$99 New Patient Dental Exam, X-rays & Cleaning

New patients only, 15 years and older.
Coupon must be presented to receive discount. Offers may not be combined. Basic cleaning included in package, periodontal (gum) problems may not allow for this type of cleaning. Special does not apply to those who have insurance benefits.

expiration 03/31/2025

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FREE “Look-See” Second Opinion/Consultation

Receive a no-cost, no-commitment opinion on your dental condition. It’s a great way to meet our uniquely caring team! Special does not apply to those who have insurance benefits.

expiration 03/31/2025

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$69 New Child Patient Exam, X-rays & Cleaning

New patients only, 14 years and younger.
Coupon must be presented to receive discount. Offers may not be combined. Basic cleaning included in package, periodontal (gum) problems may not allow for this type of cleaning. Special does not apply to those who have insurance benefits.

expiration 03/31/2025

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$1750 Implants

Coupon must be presented to receive discount. Offers may not be combined. The price does not include the cost of CTScan, surgical guide, bone graft, abutment or implant crown. Special does not apply to those who have insurance benefits.

expiration 03/31/2025

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10% Discount on All Services for Active Military and Seniors

Weninger Dentistry is here to help save you money!
Coupon must be presented to receive discount. Offers may not be combined. Basic cleaning included in package, periodontal (gum) problems may not allow for this type of cleaning. Special does not apply to those who have insurance benefits.
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$2,999 for Denture or Partial Implant Stabilization

Does not include fee for the required CT scan and surgical guide. Does not include the cost of the denture, partial, CT scan or surgical guide. Coupon must be presented to receive discount. Offers may not be combined. Special does not apply to those who have insurance benefits. Other restrictions may apply.

expiration 03/31/2025

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