What You Need to Know About Sleep Dentistry

Do you feel anxiety when you think about going to the dentist? Does your anxiety stop you from making dental appointments, or lead you to skip dental appointments?

You may benefit from sleep dentistry. Dental anxiety is a common problem that many people experience. Your dentist can help. Sleep dentistry can help make your trips to the dental office in Tampa a more pleasant, less anxiety-producing experience overall.

Dental Anxiety (Dentophobia)

Dental anxiety affects between 50% and 80% of all adults to some degree. Many people have dental anxiety because of negative feelings about their dental health, or fear of pain that they might experience in the dental chair. Some people avoid making appointments with their dentist because of their dental anxiety, while others attend appointments but experience anxiety throughout.

Some other signs of dental anxiety include:

  • Sleeplessness before the dental appointment
  • Racing heart
  • Sweating
  • Low blood pressure (or even fainting)
  • Withdrawal
  • Crying or panic

The longer this dental anxiety is allowed to continue, the worse the anxiety becomes. Often, dental anxiety stops people from coming to the dentist’s office, which in turn can lead to more difficult treatments when they finally come for exams and cleaning. These difficult treatments reinforce the patient’s feelings and can worsen the problem.

Understanding Sleep Dentistry

Sleep dentistry, also known as “sedation dentistry” is the use of medication to relax patients with dental anxiety and phobias. Sedation dentistry can also be used to help patients who have a strong gag reflex that interferes with dental treatments.

Sleep dentistry can take many forms. Sedation dentistry treatments include:

  • Nitrous oxide (laughing gas): Nitrous oxide is the most common type of sedation used in dentistry appointments. Nitrous oxide is a colorless gas that is delivered to the patient through a mask. It takes effect very quickly and leaves the system nearly as fast. While taking nitrous oxide, patients experience feelings of euphoria and disinterest in discomfort. Patients remain awake while taking nitrous oxide. When the treatment is over, the patient is safe to drive themselves home.
  • Oral sedation: Oral sedation is a pill your dentist gives you to take about an hour before the appointment. During the appointment, you may become groggy or even fall asleep. Once the appointment is over, you’ll need someone to drive you home.
  • Intravenous (IV) sedation: IV sedation is the deepest form of sedation available in dental offices. With IV sedation, patients receive sedatives directly in their bloodstream. Most people fall asleep with IV sedation and remember little about the appointment after. A ride home is needed after IV sedation.
  • General anesthesia: In some cases, patients are given general anesthesia in a hospital or ambulatory surgery center.

Sleep Dentistry Risks

Sleep dentistry is performed by trained professionals, so overall, the risks are low. Obesity and sleep apnea can cause complications with breathing, but your dentist can work with you to determine your candidacy for sedation.

Are you interested in sedation dentistry in Tampa, FL? Contact your dentist at Weninger Dentistry.