Dental Bridges or Dental Implants?

We see many patients in our Tampa dental office who need tooth replacement. While periodontal disease is the most common cause of tooth loss among adults, teeth may also be lost as a result of an illness or injury. In some cases, an adult tooth may not be present to emerge and take the place […]

Now Available at Weninger Dentistry – 3D Imaging

Weninger Dentistry focuses solely on providing patients who come to our Tampa dental office with the best dental treatments possible! For us, here at Weninger Dentistry, that means investing in state-of-art dental technology. Just recently, we invested in a CS 8100 3D Dental Imaging System to serve you even better. With 3D imaging, it now […]

Teeth Grinding Can Be A Real Pain

We see a lot of patients in our Tampa dentist office who have complaints of jaw pain, tension headaches, or facial pain. Many times they expect the cause of their discomfort to be a cavity, but it is often the result of a teeth grinding. This condition, clinically known as bruxism, involves the grinding or […]

Five Reasons to be a Boss with the Floss

When we tell the patients in our Tampa dentist office to be sure they floss daily, we often hear objections like, ‘ flossing takes too long’ or ‘flossing is too difficult’. While flossing does take a little extra time and effort, it is well worth it – especially when you consider that the time you […]

Summer Smiles – Keep Kid’s Teeth Safe During Activities

Nothing beats a fun, activity-filled summer to keep kids healthy and happy. But with all of the extra activity comes some risk, with kids being vulnerable to issues like sunburn, insect bites, falls, and other injuries. While you probably already take precautions by equipping your child with sunscreen, bug repellent, and safety helmets, have you […]

Is Sedation Dentistry Right For Me?

You may be asking yourself this question if you are one of the many people who let fear of the dentist office keep them from making a dental appointment. While you know that regular dental care is essential to maintaining good health, you may be just too anxious to visit the dental office. In most […]

Preparing for a Child’s First Dental Visit

As a Tampa dental office that serves many families, we see many young patients for their very first dental visit. We usually recommend that a child’s first dental visit be scheduled by his or her first birthday. In fact, once the first tooth emerges, at around six months old, parents need to be mindful of […]

To Chew or Not to Chew – Does Chewing Gum Affect Your Smile?

A question we are commonly asked here in our Tampa dentist office is whether or not chewing gum is bad for your teeth. The answer really depends on what type of gum you chew. As you might guess, chewing gum that contains sugar is going to have a negative impact on your teeth because it […]

Spring Cleaning? Don’t Forget Your Dental Cleaning!

Spring is the time when we think about making fresh starts, so why not start the season with a fresh smile? No matter how well you brush and floss, or how devoted you are to your daily oral hygiene routine, these great habits do not take the place of a professional dental cleaning and exam. […]

April is Oral Cancer Awareness Month

According to the Oral Cancer Foundation, an estimated 45,750 will be diagnosed with oral cancer in 2015. Oral cancer represents the largest cancer group, which includes head and neck cancers such as mouth cancer, tongue cancer, tonsil cancer, and throat cancer. Without early diagnosis and treatment, oral cancer can be fatal. Risk factors can include: […]