Dental Health

5 Culprits that Contribute to Tooth Loss

Tooth loss can impact your personal appearance, tooth alignment, confidence, and even your digestion. When you lose a tooth, chewing becomes harder, and smiling can feel awkward. However, there are many things you can do to prevent tooth loss. Knowing the risks and taking steps to maintain good dental hygiene is an important part of […]

4 Ways to Help Prevent Tooth Decay in Children

Baby teeth are perfect. Unfortunately, they won’t stay perfect on their own. Teeth require proper care and cleaning to stay healthy. If you’re a parent with a young child at home, there are many things you can do to help ensure that your child’s teeth will remain healthy. Helping your child to develop good habits, […]

Three Common Signs You May Need Occlusal Guards

An occlusal guard is a device that’s designed to keep your teeth from touching each other when your jaw is closed while you sleep. Occlusal guards are used to protect your teeth from bruxism, also known as teeth grinding. Teeth grinding can wear down your enamel and cause damage to your teeth. If left untreated, […]

Do I Need a Tooth Extraction?

There’s more than one reason to get a tooth extraction. An extraction can be a fast solution to a dental emergency or a procedure that’s thoughtfully selected to solve an ongoing problem. Who needs a tooth extraction, and why? Here’s what you need to know about getting a tooth extraction in Tampa, Florida. Overcrowded Teeth […]

Common Types of Teeth Misalignments & How to Correct It

Teeth misalignments are a common problem. Many people develop misalignments at an early age and need to have their misalignments corrected in order to have healthy, beautiful teeth. Letting this problem go can lead to a variety of other problems, such as pain while biting down, headaches, wear and tear on tooth enamel, broken teeth, […]

Let’s Go Back to the Basics of Oral Hygiene

Oral hygiene is an important part of your daily routine – or at least, it should be. Over time, some people let their habits slide. After all, most of us are busy, and taking care of our teeth is just one more thing to get done. In this post, we’ll go over the basics of […]

Are Clear Aligners an Effective Teeth Straightening Option?

For decades, braces were the go-to dental tool for straightening misaligned teeth. Braces are still effective, and their effects were long-lasting. Unfortunately, braces aren’t without their problems. The shiny metallic appearance of braces can distract from the beauty of a smile, and leave dental patients itching to have braces removed. In recent years, clear aligners […]

5 Key Steps to Simplify Your Oral Hygiene Routine

Simplifying is important. Simplifying your life can buy back time that you would otherwise lose, and can help improve your quality of life – this is why we recommend simplifying your oral hygiene routine. By taking key steps, you can enjoy a better and more efficient tooth brushing and oral hygiene experience, and you can […]

What Is the Process of Dental Fillings?

So, you’re experiencing some pain and might have a cavity. It’s natural to want to know more about dental fillings. At Weninger Dentistry, we offer a range of dental filling options to our patients, and we’re happy to answer any questions about the dental filling process. Here’s what you need to know. Dental Material Options […]

Benefits of Regular 3D Imaging

When you want to know if there’s a problem with your teeth, you go to the dentist for an examination. Unfortunately, your dentist can’t see everything that’s going on in your mouth. Not all dental problems appear above the gums, in plain sight. Some problems, like certain diseases, or the growth of a crooked wisdom […]