Dental Health

Setting the Stage Early for a Positive Dental Experience

Parents know that taking their kids to the dentist is necessary to ensure their oral health but unfortunately, those first trips to the dentist can be a scary thing from a child’s point of view – an unfamiliar room filled with strange objects, noises, and smells not to mention a stranger poking cold metallic instruments […]

Simple and Effective Answers for TMJ

More than 15 percent of American adults suffer from kind of chronic facial pain, such as headaches, earaches, or jaw pain. For many of them, those aches and pains are related to problems in their temporomandibular (TM) joints. This condition is popularly known as TMJ. The TM joints are located on each side of the […]

Taking the Fear Out of Visiting the Dentist

Happiness is your dentist telling you it won’t hurt and then having him catch his hand in the drill. – Johnny Carson Maybe that’s how most people felt back in the days of the original late night king, but not anymore. Our patients here at Weninger Dentistry know that we do everything we can to […]

Back to School Time and the Dentist

Because Weninger Dentistry is family-operated and family-oriented, we understand the importance of good dental hygiene for everyone in your family from the youngest to the eldest. Right now, it’s back to school time and what better time can there be to make sure your children’s teeth are in good shape? Some Back to School Dental […]

Keep Your Summer Campers Smiling

It is a known fact – kids just smile more in the summer! Camps, sports, sunshine, and pool time are just a few reasons why summer is a great time to be a kid. While all of these activities are sure to keep a family busy, it is important not to neglect those summer smiles. […]

3 Reasons to Love the Dentist in the Summer

It seems like most everyone looks forward to summer – even here in Tampa, where the temperatures are almost always warm. Summer is fun because the pace tends to be less hectic and there are so many opportunities to play, since the days last a little longer. Here in our Tampa dentist office, we tell […]

Four Reasons Why Your Wisdom Teeth Need to be Removed

The third set of molars that can develop during late adolescence and early adulthood is commonly referred to as the wisdom teeth. These extra teeth can cause serious issues, so it is most often advisable to have them removed, often before they emerge. Although oral surgery may sound intimidating, having wisdom teeth pulled is usually […]

Is Flossing Really Necessary?

In a word, the answer is yes! If you are someone who avoids flossing because it is too difficult, or it takes too much time, you are not alone. We see many patients in our Tampa dental office who have many reasons for not flossing. It is true, flossing does take a little extra time […]

3 Reasons to add Dental Cleaning to your Spring Cleaning Routine

If regular dental cleanings with your Tampa dentist are not part of your current routine, spring is a great time to get a fresh start! Regardless of how well you brush and floss, or how dedicated you are to your daily oral hygiene routine, there is no substitute for a professional dental cleaning and exam. […]

5 Ways to Prepare for a Child’s First Dental Visit

We serve many Tampa area families in our dental practice, so we are often asked by patients when a child should start having dental visits. We usually suggest bringing a child in after the first tooth emerges, or by the child’s first birthday. Your child’s first dental appointment will be more like an opportunity to […]