To Chew or Not to Chew – Does Chewing Gum Affect Your Smile?

A question we are commonly asked here in our Tampa dentist office is whether or not chewing gum is bad for your teeth. The answer really depends on what type of gum you chew. As you might guess, chewing gum that contains sugar is going to have a negative impact on your teeth because it will increase the likelihood of cavity formation and the need for dental fillings. Chewing sugarless gum, on the other hand, may actually improve your smile.

Chewing sugarless gum after meals and snacks can be beneficial. While it is ideal, of course, to brush and floss after meals, if you are unable to do that, gum can be a convenient way to clean and freshen your mouth until you can. Studies have shown that chewing gum can help rinse your teeth and also neutralizes acids released by plaque bacteria, which are harmful to tooth enamel. Another benefit is that the act of chewing stimulates saliva flow, which helps neutralize the acids in your mouth, and washes away food residue, helping to clean your teeth.

According to some experts, sugar-free gum that is sweetened with Xylitol has added benefit of inhibiting the growth of Streptococcus mutans, a type of cavity-causing oral bacteria. Xylitol impedes the ability of bacteria to adhere to teeth, stopping  the cavity-causing process. Used over a period of time, Xylitol impacts the types of bacteria in the mouth, and eventually fewer decay-causing bacteria survive on tooth surfaces.

While chewing sugarless gum can be beneficial to your smile, keep in mind that excessive gum chewing may aggravate conditions such as TMJ. We tell our Tampa dental patients to enjoy sugarless gum in moderation.