Everything You Need to Know About Six Month Smiles

Traditional braces take approximately 1 to 3 years to correct problems relating to dentition. During that time, the wires and brackets are very visible. This leaves some people feeling self-conscious about their appearance.

If you have misaligned teeth and would like to correct your tooth alignment without wearing traditional braces, Six Month Smiles may be the right choice for you.

Weninger Dentistry is pleased to offer Six Month Smiles to patients who have always wanted straighter teeth without the hassle of traditional braces. Here’s what to know about Six Month Smiles.

What Is Six Month Smiles?

Six Month Smiles is an alternative to traditional braces. Using clear aligners or tooth-colored wire braces, Six Month Smiles straightens the front teeth only, usually in about six months.

Pros of Using Six Month Smiles

Many patients who have gone through the Six Month Smiles love the results. There are many reasons to choose Six Month Smiles to realign your front teeth.

  • Much Faster Results. Six Months Smiles gets results in mere months, whereas traditional braces can take years.
  • Cheaper Alternative. Some sources estimate that traditional braces cost between $3,000 and $7,000. Six Month Smiles is a more affordable alternative for people who want to correct cosmetic problems.
  • Less Discomfort. Six Month Smiles only focuses on the upper front teeth and uses light pressure compared to traditional braces. They also take less time, resulting in discomfort over a shorter period. This makes them more comfortable overall.
  • Less Conspicuous Than Braces. Six Month Smiles uses tooth-colored wires and brackets to correct the alignment of the teeth, so they’re harder to see than traditional braces.
  • Ability to Fix Several Issues. Six Month Smiles can correct a variety of problems including gaps between the teeth and tooth crowding.

Cons of Using Six Month Smiles

Six Month Smiles isn’t for everyone. This solution can’t be used to address problems with the bottom teeth, and will not realign the bite when it’s required. Six Month Smiles can correct cosmetic problems, but if your tooth alignment issues go deeper, your dentist may recommend a different solution for you.

Is Six Month Smiles Right for You?

Six Month Smiles is ADA endorsed and has helped many people around the world achieve the look they’ve always wanted for their smile. If you struggle with crooked teeth, consult with your dentist at Weninger Dentistry to learn more about how you can benefit from Six Month Smiles in Tampa, FL. Call today to schedule an appointment for your initial consultation.